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보고서명노인 건강결정요인 분석: 지역사회 정책 및 사회자본 효과를 중심으로 보고서명(영문)Determinants of Health in Older Adults: Regional Policies and Social Capital
  • This study aims to examine determinants of health in older adults aged 65 or older with a particular attention to community environment (physical, social, and policy environment). The study also investigates whether the associations between community environment and health vary by individual socioeconomic status. Data are drawn from multiple sources including the 2019 Community Health Survey, Korean Statistical Information Service Regional Indicators, and Land Survey to analyze the association between community-level environment indicators and individual-level health outcomes. We use multilevel modeling to take into account the interdependence between individuals within each region(si-gun-gu). The analytic sample includes 66,949 adults aged 65 or older living in 250 si-gun-gu regions. The results show that the average walking distances to parks, health care facilities, senior centers, and public gyms are significantly different across regions. Levels of social capital (trust toward a

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